@ Austin: Look at this thread:
I know this doesn't help you now, but in the long run I think this would be a great feature to have. Most of the potential PB 2.6mm users will ask the same questions, and an installer would simplify things a lot. I believe we've already had this discussion once, but somehow it just slipped away. This could be a good moment to revive it... you made such a nice map installer, maybe you could make a bot installer, too?
If we have
a) a good bot (and boy, we have one!)
b) a snazzy installer
c) good documentation,
we could spread this bot a bit more - in the long run, all PB 2.5, IvP and E[POD]Bot users could upgrade to PB 2.6mm, but they won't do so as long as this bot is nowhere available as a neat package.
@ sPlOrYgOn:
Originally Posted by sPlOrYgOn
yea that would be very nice since our doc people don't seem to be working...
I don't know who's in charge of the general stuff (Huntakillaz???), but the waypointing documentation will be complete this very weekend. I got it 90% finished, and it covers almost everything: adding waypoints, waypoint types, waypoint radii, connection types, manually and automatically adding/removing connections, WP flags. All new from scratch, and much more concise than CF's old docs. And with new pics as well!