Originally Posted by Burnt Powder
Well when I start my server, I have pause set to "20" and it waits 20 seconds to start adding bots. When the map changes, it ignores that pause of 20 and instantly starts adding bots. This is not a problem unless there were that many real players on the server and they are getting kicked because "server is full".
I think You are talking about map change executing by command changelevel - then really this pause is not executed, because bot.dll doesn't know yet the changelevel was executed and then more bots are added instantly. Map before changelevel You had 0 bots and 28 players, map after changelevel You have 8 bots and 24 players - 4 players got kicked out - and this "saved" function in this case really doesn't work good. After reaching timelimit or maxround (I don't know what the system do You use) all should work OK with this "unwanted" by You feature.
But because recognizing the situation "the new map is started right-now" for bot.dll isn't any problem, I don't know exactly why this pause can't be used correctly
@sPlOrYgOn - when You totally remove this function (saving how many bots were at previous map), then all Your effort to prevent situation reported by another server-owner - making bot-server empty after map change - all this Your effort will be losed.
If the people are playing in some system - for example 10 on 10 at some map, and there is 6 players and 4 bots in both teams - after map change they want to play the same system (but only new map and maybe team change by people). But if this feature (saving bots from previous map) will be disabled, every time after map change they will need some admin to kick or add some bots. Now all is automated, so they can play without any admin intervention and the people are used to this (since PB2.0, maybe 1.4x - don't remember exactly). That's why the number of bots-players is "saved" to the next map. This is some PB-only feature. Removing it - it's like taking out something especially from this bot.
The problem is always the same - if something is too difficult to fix, lazy coders prefer rather remove this and forget about the problem, than fix.
I'm agree with Huntkillaz - temporary add rather some variable to "save" or "don't save" number of bots-players from previous map. But adding something to code is more difficult than delete something from it...