Hey Tige,
The node_connect statements for actions 25/26/27 work perfectly.
The node_disconnect statements for actions 4/5/6/7 work perfectly. Since the connections from node 83 to the other nodes are ONE-WAY, you shouldn't use "true" as the connection modifier (which signifies a two-way connection). Use "false" instead to indicate a one-way connection. This error didn't cause a problem because you were disconnecting nodes, but to be correct, use "false" for one-way connections.
The node_connect statements for actions 4/5/6/7 that attempt to connect node 261 to nodes 126/192/63 FAIL because there are already four connections from those nodes to other nodes (limit is four). If you check the console after you blow the dynamite at the crypt, you'll see several error messages in RED that tell you "this node has the max number of links already." This is the clue that you have too many node connections for that node and that your node_connect went over the limit and therefore didn't happen. To make this work, you'll have to delete an existing connection from the problem nodes or make the new links from node 261 one-way only (as they were for node 83)
Since dynamite actions 25/26 are linked together and actions 4/5/6/7 are linked together, you don't need to repeat the node statements for each one. You only need to list the connect statements ONCE for each linked group.
You have repeated action tests 4/5/6/7, separating the connect and disconnect statements. This is not necessary and may lead to problems.
You can check the status of a node's connections by typing /g_node_info <node _num>. The console will show you which nodes are connected to your inquiry node. Do this before and after the dynamite blows and you'll be able to tell if the connections were made. This is often easier than following bots around!
Here's how your aiscript should look:
action 27
node_connect 121 18 true
node_connect 121 66 true
action 25
node_connect 120 154 true
action 4
node_disconnect 83 126 false
node_disconnect 83 192 false
node_disconnect 83 63 false
node_disconnect 83 75 false
node_connect 261 126 true // this won't work because there are too many connections from node 126 already.
node_connect 261 192 true // same for 192
node_connect 261 63 true // same for 63
node_connect 261 75 true