I don't know if this is me or how its meant to be, but when I hit ctrl to view the "TOPSHOTS" list all of the bots accuracy levels are around 75 - 85. Whether they use a rifle or a smg or some sort, whether they are upclose or far, far, far away its always around 80.
I have all the files in my ET in a folder named fritzbots, I downloaded it off filefront (0.60 i think) I have tried using the console to set their aim to easy, the ingame menu and tried setting it before I started the server. No matter what I do they still have crazy aim and kill you instantly with their 80% accuracy skills.
Is this just how the bots are, is there any way to lower their accuracy down to 40% or even 50 to a more human level? I can kill them if I camp, take cover or have help and sometimes If I get a headshot.
already said that to maleficus...
acc is way too high - yes around 80% on easy is normal.
on nightmare they will have like 60% (sounds wierd? ) but they score ONLY headshots.
so u will die even faster.
most fun is still bot skill - hard , aiming skill - easy.
but plz, maleficus is there any way to make more inaccurate?
i just can completely agree with him its insane.
thats the most important (fix) point (for me).