It only happens when I install the bots, the only sounds thats missings is the radio and the guy who say GOGOGO or CT/T-wins...
I play on LAN with those bots, and my bro cant hear those sounds too..
if your brother can't hear the sounds when he plays on LAN with the bot on the server, then it's a problem with the bot code. The bot doesn't send or receive some network messages, or it doesn't let them pass correctly through the bot DLL. Only KaCaT can fix this...
RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter) "Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."
I've lost the radio sounds exactly as described, but in my case I'm using realbot WIP 6. I always assumed this was one of those Steam upgrade errors and that I'd have to reinstall the whole thing to fix it. I'll see if removing the bots has any effect or not, but I think I had this problem even before I installed any bots at all.