hey im just wondering if podbot lags a server or not cause when i go to gametiger.com and search for my server and find it and bogo ping is usually bout 160 without ppl in it and when i add podbot onto metamod and theres only the bots in server and i do same thing on gametiger.com it says bogo ping like 180+. does this mean its lagging my server?
No bots on the server - for sure - no lags causing by podbot_mm.dll. It's possible after adding 20-30 bots some slower computers may lag a bit, but it seems for You there is something else (some other mm plugins).
Try to disable amx mod x and podbot mm - then try again. You will see - if there are still some lags, it means - Your network is causing lags or maybe some programs running in the background on Your server PC like some Norton AntyVirus software or something like it - they may lag a lot.