yeh im aware that angles is the rotation of the model while v_angles is the roation of the view, i just assumed that the server would use the 'angles' for firing bullets, but i just realised that it makes its aim vector from "m_pPlayer->pev->v_angle + m_pPlayer->pev->punchangle", so i guess my assumption was wrong.
thanks anyway for the answer tho (that player models pitch is out of 30 rather than 90 so that players dont run around horizontally).
allthough i dont know what u mean by "we found that .. was a good value" seeing valve/ID used -3 in the SDK..
im using some fairly basic aiming code atm, which ill list below for discussive purposes (allthough if theres any other bot n00bs like me on here, feel free to use it)
Vector vecLook = vecLookPos - pBot->pEdict->v.origin;
Vector vecAngles = UTIL_VecToAngles( vecLook );
pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = vecAngles.y;
pBot->pEdict->v.idealpitch = vecAngles.x;
float turnrate;
turnrate = min( turnSpeed, fabsf( 50*UTIL_AngleDiff( pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw, pBot->pEdict->v.v_angles.y ) ) );
pBot->ChangeYaw( gpGlobals->frametime*turnrate );
turnrate = min( turnSpeed, fabsf( 50*UTIL_AngleDiff( pBot->pEdict->v.idealpitch, pBot->pEdict->v.v_angles.x ) ) );
pBot->ChangePitch( gpGlobals->frametime*turnrate );
Now that i look over this code again, i think my problem is that im not figguring the bots view height into the equation (The aim direction is a line from the bots center to its target, instead of its head to target)... i guess ill go checko_O