Re: Where did you guys learn how to make mods? -
How to make an entire mod?
Well... First you'll need to be able to code, learn a programming language, preferably C++. Theres mountains of books to help with that.
It might be hard to learn C++ right off the bat. The languages I know I learned in this order: QBasic, Visual Basic, Java, C++. My knowledge of c++ is pretty basic, never really got into it.
If you're too cheap to buy a book, google for tutorials on programming in specific languages. Its possible to learn C++ right off the bat, but I'd reccomend a simple language first like QBasic just so you can learn the fundamentals of programming.
Coding is essential for mod making and bot making. Some people enjoy programming, but I hate it. I lose a little piece of my soul every time I debug a nested loop.
After, learn to model. I think GMax is a good program, can't really remember. MilkShape is also not bad. Each program has a tutorial on how to model.
Also learn to skin the models, the modelling program should also have a tutorial to explain it.
Then learn to make maps in the engine your mod is in. With HL2 they use "Hammer", every engine has its own map editors. They're usually quite simple to learn and use.
Then you'll probably need to learn how to make sound effects. Have a good microphone and an audio editing program like Soundforge.
Making a mod is usually a huge deal, so its probably best to learn one of the skills in making one, develop a unique idea for a mod, and gather a team to help you.