The problem is: in wolf, the total number of paths a bot may want to use is not static, like in CS. In Wolf, where you spawn, and where your goal is may change several times over the course of one match (your spawn moves back/forward, the goal moves to a diff location, etc). So, you have the problem of some nodes (that may no longer be "valid") being taken into account if you just blindly start playing with weights.
An example of this, which happens with Wolfbot, is bots blowing the walls on BEACH, but instead of just running straight for the docs, wander around the beach some (which is a worthless waste that no human would do), because in the bots mind - the nodes on the beach are just as valid as they were before the walls were blown.
So how do you know what path will take you to the target REALISTICALLY: thats the problem I'm grappling with. Sure, you might be random, but in a stupid way that no human would ever do. Thats one nice thing about CS: your spawn area and goal areas are static, so you can play with nodes along the path, and get pretty good results.
I think I may have an alternate system that works better for Wolf in the works, I'll have to see.