Originally Posted by Pierre-Marie Baty
Easy way (but not human-like IMO): separate body angles and view angles - that's what 99% of the bot makers do.
Some examples ? I'm quite a n00b so please dont blame me on that
Is it like the PODBot navigation ?
Or if you want to continue that way, decrease the movement times. Putting gpGlobals->time + 1.0 means that as long as the waypoint will be in that particular direction, the bot will keep pressing that key, but also as soon as the waypoint turns to be in another direction, the bot will still be pressing the same key for 1 second. Reduce that to 0.2 or 0.1 second (depending on your frame time). You can use these values as reaction times too, like I do.
Forget to tell you , I keep track the current waypoint distance from the bot , once it reach a specific distance , I reset all those strafing time to zero so there wont be much problem , but the biggest problem I have with this code is , the strafing is not accurate , like angle between "22.5" and "67.5" are consider as "north-east" and the bot may will strafe not very well