LMAO @PMB's code post: hahaha hallarious.
Yeah dude, just be with good friends, that always helps dude. I ain't no lama like PMB, but yeah, friends is always good. If they're good friends, they'll hear out out no matter wth you say. Sure, after highschool n' now I'm in college I've changed over to the quote "cool" unquote group, I still remember who me buds are, n' we always ramble on msn messenger with stuff like, "dude, come play Far Cry Coop with me," and he'd be like "no dude, Far Cry netcode sucks!" and so on... lol.
Yeah, whatever makes you confortable always sets you at ease. I was taught to make an uncomfortable situation easier on you is to imagine yourself, doing what you love to do the most, and just remember how you felt then, n' how hey, you should always feel that great. It worked with me on tests. My fav place is yep, on the coutch infront of the tv. Since sometimes I used to try n' do homework, it kindof helped during tests, cause I'd be like, "Ohh yeah, during the 2nd commercial break to 'The Man Show' I remembered reading a paragraph about this question on the test!!!" So dude, if you can somehow manage to tie in homework with swimming? (maybe laminated papers or water proof paper/pens?
) it might help during tests.
And here's another thing you can do dude. Every time you feel a letdown, give yourself an affirmation like, "I chose to remember the past to remind me that I do better now." The hard part aboot good affirmations, is it can't contain the word will, cause that leaves you an option, and you might exploit that n' decide not to kindof thing.
Heh, that little course of "Thought Patterns for a Successsful Carrer," is starting to come in handy again. It's a crazy course man, if you can? take something like it... it teaches you to think aboot your thoughts, and teaches you how the common sense our brain employs on anything... it's deep man... like, and not deep end of a pool deep, like 2000 leagues under the sea deep...