I'm not pretty sure if this is causd by the bot engin. It might be a player-tracking problem of AMX. OK, here is what happens:
You start a server with AMX(X) enabled. Add some bots, then kick a bot. Now, most features(sound, say commands, some console commands) of AMX would be disabled on anyone who joins the server after that bot leaves.
This will for sure to happen when a bot leaves the server. If a real player is kicked or leaves, it would be ok. It happens on most(or maybe all, I haven't tested all of them) bots - HPB, Real, POD...
I personally like to use PODBot. However, since PODBot automatically adds and kicks bots as real players join and leave, I had no choice and forced to choose RealBot. But I dare not to kick any bot on the server.
Just want to see some replies to confirm what has caused this problem. If its caused by bot, is it possible to be fixed?
Any information would be appreciated.