Posting some issues or bugs don't know if there bugs or not.
I kinda created a list of what I saw on one de map and wrote them down.
- Bots sit on planted or droped bomb.
- Walk back and forth on mesh suspend bridges like the old de_aztec ones don't know if its a bad node but theres paths all over the bridge they just run on and run back in forth between two points even when being shot or if bomb is planted.
- Run away from bomb at times but its usually about 10 secs from blowing up .
- Don't buy kits, nades or shields often or at all maybe create a buytable adjuster vgui like personality manager.
- Takes a few seconds for bots to start defusing- they for me sit on the bomb for about 2 seconds or more and then start to defuse, was wondering if u wanted them to start defusing just as they touched the bomb.
- Bots walk backwards alot even when being shot.
- Don't draw weapons on enemy sometimes when running with knife.
- Sit at spawn sometimes not really that often either but I do catch them probabaly a node problem on my end but not sure, even tho node paths run all over spawn.
- Might have hard time seeing bomb if covered by gun or corpse.
- On AS maps VIP will not go to Rescue Zone, he acts as if he not on a as map.
- When human calls for back up the bots that respond will not come at times.
I might be more of creating a check list instead of helping out with bugs sorry