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ready, BUT: one hostage is stuck! :'( And I didn't see it before... *rrrrrgh* Hot-Doc, why do you do this to me?
Well, seriously: The map looks great, and I guess almighty Austin can fix that hostage problem faster than I can say the f-word, but maybe it's not the best idea to include a map that doesn't work perfectly by default in the pack? What do other ppl think? Remember cs_rio, that was the same... would you like that one, although one hossie's stuck?
ready. Man, those were some of the oldest WPs I ever made for my LAN round. I totally remade it, decreasing the node count from ~600 to ~450. Well, we all keep learning...
ready, at least technically. Gotta play with important WPs a little to improve balance and variation, though. This is one of the heftiest set I ever did, with 804 nodes and zillions of camp WPs, jumps, narrow ledges, rooftops etc... sheesh. Never again, I hope.