AMX X has the plugin called stats_logging. In its source code You can find this function:
public client_disconnect(id)
if (!g_inGame[id])
g_inGame[id] = 0
if (is_user_bot(id))
new szTeam[16], szName[32], szAuthid[32], iStats[8], iHits[8], szWeapon[24]
new iUserid = get_user_userid(id)
new _max = xmod_get_maxweapons()
get_user_team(id, szTeam, 15)
get_user_name(id, szName, 31)
get_user_authid(id, szAuthid, 31)
for (new i = 1 ; i < _max ; ++i)
if (get_user_wstats(id, i, iStats, iHits))
xmod_get_wpnname(i, szWeapon, 23)
log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" triggered ^"weaponstats^" (weapon ^"%s^") (shots ^"%d^") (hits ^"%d^") (kills ^"%d^") (headshots ^"%d^") (tks ^"%d^") (damage ^"%d^") (deaths ^"%d^")",
szName, iUserid, szAuthid, szTeam, szWeapon, iStats[4], iStats[5], iStats[0], iStats[2], iStats[3], iStats[6], iStats[1])
log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" triggered ^"weaponstats2^" (weapon ^"%s^") (head ^"%d^") (chest ^"%d^") (stomach ^"%d^") (leftarm ^"%d^") (rightarm ^"%d^") (leftleg ^"%d^") (rightleg ^"%d^")",
szName, iUserid, szAuthid, szTeam, szWeapon, iHits[1], iHits[2], iHits[3], iHits[4], iHits[5], iHits[6], iHits[7])
new iTime = get_user_time(id, 1)
log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" triggered ^"time^" (time ^"%d:%02d^")", szName, iUserid, szAuthid, szTeam, (iTime / 60), (iTime % 60))
log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" triggered ^"latency^" (ping ^"%d^")", szName, iUserid, szAuthid, szTeam, (g_pingSum[id] / (g_pingCount[id] ? g_pingCount[id] : 1)))
As You can see it doesn't send any log messages for a bot (it just does return).
Try to do it so - comment out that part concerning to bots in this plugin this way:
if (is_user_bot(id))
then compile the plugin. How? The stats_logging.sma file needs to be in amxmodx\scripting folder. After editing the plugin find the file called compile.exe in the same folder and hit the "enter" key on it. Your compiled file should be in amxmodx\scripting\compiled folder. Then check the dat of it if the file You found there is really that one You compiled and copy and paste it from that folder to amxmodx\plugins folder. In my opinion it should work, but I didn't test it. Normally the people don't need to collect stats for bots, that's why it's not used there. The only thing I'm not sure is - what does the function get_user_authid return for the bots? It may return the same value for all bots.