Originally Posted by person135
I'm only trying to make bots more realistic you know? There are some fundamental things that make a bot server different from a real server, and one of those things is the constant entering and exiting of players. Bots can't enter and leave by themselves, so why not make a feature that does it for them?
also, is it hard to make bots only look at waypoints when there are no enemies around? It's really weird having them look in random places.
If they should leave and enter "randomly", You will get more frustrated than You are right now if they - for example - instead go with the hostage to the rescue point or while defusing/planting the bomb would decide to just "randomly" leave Your server. That doesn't have any sense at all...
And I'm working still on the code - once again unstuck code is researched and waypoint editor has been a bit re-written, prevent stucking on ladders, so You may expect the new beta during 2 weeks or so...