Das Boot ???- mp_sub_rc1 is by 420Blunt & Crapshoot
Spawn changes are done in the map script file. And No. Bots don't get to chose. That requires free choice for which you have eat that damn forbidden apple (in old English apple meant fruit, any type.) Yes bots are too ashamed to go around naked, starkers, au naturel, al fresco... but you still have to EAT the Fruit!
Yah getting the bots to use 2 doors of a spawn is always an issue. While they don't have free choice they do randomize their choice within a priority level and that means it can take a fair number of routes to cover enough things (look at Goldrush). My idea would be for Mal to add a route action of say 1024, -2 or something distinct as a don't care/Any action so we could force bots to navigate down a few specific paths to the secondary routes without having to cover all the camp actions they may be running for.
Now imagine if we could get the bots to queue up for things...