hi i have jus tinstalled meta mod and yapb and i think that i have it all installed right and everything but i dont know what commands to use use to add/remove bots and stuff if sme one could give me a list tthat would be greatly appreciated.
yb menu -show yapb menu
yb wp menu -show waypoint menu
yb ? -show commands
yb version -shows yapb-version
yb add -add a bot to the game
yb fill -fill the server with bots
yb kickall -kick all bots from the server
yb killbots -kill all bots
yb kick -kick a random bot from the current game
yb weaponmode -select weaponmode (1-7)
yb votemap -let dead bots vote for a specific map
thx, ok that helps but the bots do alot of standing around and wneh they doo shoot its lke instant hs can u help me with difficulty settings and stuff plz?