Originally Posted by SaveSheep
I took out the line to add to the launch properties, changed liblist.gam to point to dlls\mp.dll, and put a semicolon in front of the podbot dll in the plugins.ini, and I was successfully able to open up Counter-Strike and start a LAN game. So, all in all, we know that it is podbot acting up somewhere.
No - in this moment we can't be sure this yet. You need to make one test more - leave still that semicolon at th ebegining of the line calling podbot_mm.dll in plugins.ini
;win32 addons/podbot/podbot_mm.dll
but enable metamod in Your liblist.gam - change the line:
gamedll "dlls\mp.dll"
gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"
and try to start Your CS again. This way we will know if Your CS likes metamod or not.