What are some good tweaks one can use when playing fritzbot. Currently the max bots I can use on big or small maps, and play with a desent frame rate is 10, including me.
My machine: p4= 1.8ghz, 256mb ram, 64mb video
I'm trying stuff like:
com_hunkmegs 128 or 192 (not sure which works better)
com_maxfps 200, 300, or 400 (again, not quit sure which works better)
>>>What else?
I'm guessing my shitty intel video card is limiting the number of bots I can add without lagging the game, or is that irrelevent.
Anyway, hows The new patch coming along Mal. Great I hope. I'm hanging out big time for it dude, can't wait. Any predictions as to when it will be finished, released, posted.
Hopefully the next patch will help you some too - I've been working on the overall speed, and it should be a bit smoother and faster. I'd like to see it done and released sometime in the next week, but it depends on how much time I have to work.