I had trouble accessing the hpb_bot site from my office (my proxy denies access to the page as there is an underscore in the name). Now I'm at home and could browse the hpt_bot site :-)
hope you dont mind, I ripped your monster detection code from v4 and added it to foxbot source code. Not sure if the foxbot team will adopt it but im using it myself anyway. Works good, and credit given in sources of course...
not sure how relevant this is as the official monster_plugin doesn't have this but... I (well most credit goes to buzzkill) added rats to the plugin and bots dont seem to realize they need to duck down to kill these things. The engy in particular runs around swinging his spanner at them but can't hit em. Now since the rats dont bite you its prolly kewl to just ignore them. If I do any further work on monster I'll prolly release my changes along with that rat code.
argh, too late. New bot DLLs are uploaded. Took me ages. 2 HOURS. Enough for meh tonight. I'm about to whack, break, burn, sink, eat or pulverise my modem. What refrains me is that I can't decide yet what would make me feel more relieved. Bah. DSL is coming in december. Supposedly. I'll be waiting Santa Claus down the chimney with a baseball bat, this year.
RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter) "Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."