Pierre I can't do what you have suggest since DoD 1.2 change a lot in the debug format, like the weapon ID part for example:
(DoD 1.2/Steam)
pfnRemoveEntity: 3e36298
pfnCreateNamedEntity: edict=3e36298 name=weapon_enfield
pfnPrecacheModel: models/v_enfield.mdl
pfnPrecacheModel: models/w_enfield.mdl
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/enfield_shoot.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/357_cock1.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/boltforward.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/boltback.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/tommy_reload_clipin.wav
pfnPrecacheModel: models/v_enfield_scoped.mdl
pfnPrecacheModel: models/w_enfield_scoped.mdl
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/enfieldsniper_shoot.wav
(DoD 1.1)
pfnMessageBegin: edict=1de6594 dest=1 type=76
pfnWriteString: weapon_luger
pfnWriteByte: 4
pfnWriteByte: 24
pfnWriteByte: -1
pfnWriteByte: -1
pfnWriteByte: 1
pfnWriteByte: 1
pfnWriteByte: 4
pfnWriteByte: 64
pfnWriteByte: 8
Pierre or botman, is it possible the DoD team can change the format so big like this way(I can't check any detail information of weapon now except the model or wav.....) ? ???
If yes how can I check the weapon ID or some other information like VGUI network messages(after 1.2 even no more VGUI messages table output at the top of the bot.txt) ?
BTW Chaos you can just mark out the if (debug_engine) messages that you don't need at the engine.cpp, it can reduce the size of the bot.txt a LOT.