Originally Posted by >BKA< T Wrecks
Hm... ok, I'm not really convinced that adding a WP without apmd adjustements, deleting all connections from/to it and then manually drawing the one desired connection is really faster, but so far it's 2:1 for this "delete all connections" command.
2:2 - I'm agree with You T Wrecks (I don't need this , too).
Yes, this can be faster - if You can bind some extra key for "Delete all path incomming/outgoing" (this new function) , for some existing WP it can be fatser - use one key to delete all path of this WP,cache this WP by second key, go to this WP You want connection, use third key to open menu add path and select something (forth key). If You want Your way - first You have to delete WP (first key), set apmd to 0 (second key), place new WP (third and fourth key), cache this new WP (fifth key), go to this WP you want to connect and use sixth key to open "add path" submenu, and select something by seventh key. But this can be useful only in the situation You want exactly one connection to this selected and existing WP. So how much of time will You save during waypointing one map? In normal waypointing You try autopathmax distance set to this value that placed WP connects only WP's closest to this placed. For this You can use some binded key, too. Other things -
1. I don't have more free keys to have possibility bind a new function.
2. This situation described by biohazerd87 I can see during my waypointing exceptionally, so to solve this situation I don't think we need ask coders.
This is
my private opinion.
Yes - if coders want to do this for some lazy waypointers - why not?
So becasue of this 2:2 maybe wait for deciding vote of SF - he do much more for waypointing than me - so let SF give deciding vote for this.