Yes, it is DoD, actually I want the bot can reset to primary weapon after they kill the enemy if they switch to knife or pistol before, anyway I think I won't check the class anymore since I forgot now dod can drop and pickup weapon just like CS, so even class 1 can use class 2 weapon, now I just use the following code to reset weapon:
if ((mod_id == DOD_DLL) && (!WeaponIsPrimary( pBot )))
if (bot_team==0)
FakeClientCommand(pEdict, "weapon_garand", NULL, NULL);
FakeClientCommand(pEdict, "weapon_m1carbine", NULL, NULL);
FakeClientCommand(pEdict, "weapon_thompson", NULL, NULL);
FakeClientCommand(pEdict, "weapon_greasegun", NULL, NULL);
Although I know it is not very good because it work like try and error but it work really good after I test it, and I didn't have a better idea at this moment. What do you guys think of this ?