if u are planning to do this then y not do a few other things (i.e delay this for a while till u build up a good set of waypoint types to add?....since if maps will have to be rewaypointed u might as well do em together...
so lets start some ideas for the types:
maybe add these (for priorty? on a map and for mixed maps where some\all occur)
split the ct\t important to :
hostage ---a seperate on to say at this point is a hostage
bomb --- at this point is a bomb plant[ed] maybe with a big raduis to show area?
vip ---goto here now!
ct imp --- an important area for ct to be in (like a guider for where they should be going but not excatly telling why)
t imp ---an important area for t to be in
weapon --- there are weapons here (like in awp_snowfun where they are up top on a shelf)
button --this is a button (press ..wait...go here)
lift --this is a lift (go here..press...waIt for connecting wp..go)
some of these are easy to do handling wise ie vip --if vip is near wp and is not in danger then go for wp 1st
note: it's just an idea! some of these maybe stupid if so just say so
but i think it will give the bots more of an idea of what to do where to go...