Re: POD 2.6 Installer, first pass, need feedback -
Did you notice the "Change" button on the first dialog that shows up? If you click it you can pick what ever directory you want, but the directory you pick must have either cstrike.exe or hl.exe in it.
I don' have steam yet so I didn't add support for installing on steam -yet-.
If the directory structure is the same from where cstrike is located than this installer will work on steam also.
We check the registry settings (that get modified every time you run either cs or hl) to find the correct install directory, but as I said above you can always click the "change" button on the first dialog and change it.
All this has already changed since I think PM has moved the podbot2.6MM directory. We really should not be mixing the pod2.6MM files with the pod2.5 files so this change is good and I will have to update the installer, however...
I put this installer together to see if there was enough interest out there for me to do this and I have received very little feedback so I am wondering if I should spend any time on this, since the demand seems to be small...
TX for the feedback.
You have brought my attention to a problem when you run the installer a second time. If it finds the podbot_mm.dll It switches into a "update mode" install and you can't choose to install again into a different directory. I need to change that.