after many comments and ideas from different people here and elsewhere i have decided to do this project totally different.
i will no longer speak during the videos because it becomes boring in my head to listen to for such a long time....the average video length of a single map was getting over 8 minutes....and me talking and explaining details and things for 8 minutes was getting hard to present in a non boring fashion.
now i am only flying through the map with no hud or weapon showing. along side this runs some music that really pumps you up. after watching this peice a few hundred times i feel it gives a stronger impression than what i had done with the others.
you tell me what you think tho:
http://soulfathermaps.de/portfolio2004.zip 27MB
the video stops and the music keeps running because more maps will be added to this.....so when the video stops(unless you like the tune, its done)
its only a terst version with new front graphics and animations.
as something to show thats REALLY hot shit, im adding for you a piece i appended to the end of the normal brainwash video of the first set.....this is fighting scenes done in a right tight way.....its REALLY worth the 15MB download because its the best cutting editing i have done yet....most of the shots fired and the scene changes go right in tact with the music
check it out:
please think about what you say before posting....im trying to get a job with this stuff and intelligent replies would be appreciated