Im not trying to start any controversy or civil wars here, i was just wondering what the best bot is? i noe realbot doesnt need waypoints and it learns, but is there better? i no that bots can never match the skill of a CPL champ, but whats the closest
Counter-strike bot
Last edited by drew146; 26-06-2004 at 06:55..
Reason: forgot somthing
i don't know about best, but i know that i'm really interested in seeing racc bots in action. i've run the current template and i think the most interesting thing to me is the development of the AI and I hope that development is still being continued, it is definitely too complicated for my poor brain. GO PMB!
my favourite is Podbot2.6mm, just because i've always used POD and the other ones scare/confuse me, i'm also looking forward to RACC because PMB's technical stuff on his website looks cool, even though it could just be some claptrap he made up
the best for DOD is Shrikebot, because its the only one on Bots-united so i don't have to worry about offending the Sturmbot guys , those idiots
I also wait for racc! I played Podbot since CF started to code it, now Podbot2.6mm is quite good.
But I must admit thet CSBOT was (in fact IS - it is still in mp.dll but blocked (CZERO must sell u know...) the best bot I ever played (playing but shhhh... )