Well, I couldn't stand reading the names of Count Floyd, DaTa etc. anymore, although some of those nicks are just stylish. Killaruna, for example, or Rambotnic.
James Bonk... *
* good one indeed - but I don't get the gag in "Barbie Turics"... ???
I always keep a list of nice names, and when I wake up at 4 o'clock in the night and a funny name occurs to me, I write it down and add it to the list the next day. But it's amazing how the most obvious puns can escape you for months - I didn't come up with BotZilla (a real bad and very easy one) until some weeks ago. At that time, I already had one called Leonardo DiCapribot... (twice the fun to shoot, hehe...)
@ TruB: Man, you're right - Worms was another one of those "funny names" games. I gave my worms the names of musicians in bands I liked... 9_9