In my oponion using offsets for pvPrivateData is not good idea, since they can be broken by newest cs update. So i have no idea how to define it form makefile.
But i see two possible ways to solve problem, intercepting DispatchUse (not sure if it's work with CS hostages). And track the user use button.
About a second method. It can be put in POD's SoundSimulateUpdate () function in this way (and i think it's good idea):
PHP Code:
else if (pPlayer->v.oldbuttons & IN_USE) // pressed used button?
fHearDistance = 1024.0;
fTimeSound = WorldTime () + 0.5;
if ((g_iMapType & MAP_CS) && !IsValidBot (pPlayer))
MakeVectors (pPlayer->v.v_angle);
Vector vEye = pPlayer->v.origin + pPlayer->v.view_ofs;
TraceResult tr;
TraceLine (vEye, vEye + (gpGlobals->v_forward * 200), dont_ignore_monsters, pPlayer, &tr);
if (!FNullEnt (tr.pHit) && FClassnameIs (tr.pHit, "hostage_entity"))
g_HostagesUsedByHumans.push_back (tr.pHit);
Hopes it help, if not i'm sorry for offtop