Map Waypointing Help -
Greetings. I am currently attempting to waypoint a map that a few of us like. 1944_beach. I have changed a barrier setting from nade to dynamite so the bots should have not problem on the map. Now for the help. I have read the two mentioned tutorials and have no problem adding nodes, actions and such. However, I am still missing something. Has something to do with the objectives. The bots just stand there and complain they have no goal.
I created a twoway path from spawn to dynamitable barrier. Assign the action the same ent_num as the barrier. Gave the action the same goal number as the current goal tracker state (0). And still the bots say they have no goal. I would appreciate any help. Also have a script file with the required header but no other text. Trying to get one thing to work for testing purposes. Thanks.