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Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
genmac's Avatar
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Default Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 12-11-2011

Finally a fully working bot for dods made by Strontiumdog aka Dog.
Check it out here for the files and other needed infos...

Here's a fully working pack which automatically spawn 8 bots (4 bots each team)+ all stock maps waypoints...
Use 7zip to extract the files.

Enjoy!...and more power to DODS!!!

>no more pesky servers kicking me out bec. of my high ping LoL!<

Last edited by genmac; 12-11-2011 at 16:12..
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 12-11-2011

Well, I guess I'm not smart enough to make them work genmac. I tried the 'fully working pack' and followed the instructions, but no bots.
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

make sure you have the latest dods version which i think is

the files are already placed on their respective folders but you gotta make sure
that you put them where they should be.

also you might be using other plugins that are not compatible yet to the bots so disable or remove those first.

try different sdkhooks version here...

if it stil doesn't work then may be you gotta install the files each at a time as instructed by dog.
good luck freemon hope you get it running.
it took me one whole day to get it work though reason why I made an all in one pack so hopefully it would be
much easier and faster for others to gets the bots going.

here's a video of them hehe..


Last edited by genmac; 13-11-2011 at 09:54..
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

Thanks genamc. I just got them working, and it took me all day to get it right too. I have been waiting for this for years.
Being old, slow, and always getting whacked on the live servers I needed a way to practice and have fun at the same time. I needed this to run on LAN, and according to dog, that's the only way it will work. So to make it easier to understand how to do for any neophytes like myself wanting DOD:S bots I'm going to explain what I did to make it work. (I know the smart people will think, well ... duh, but everything wasn't so easy for me without step by step instructions.)

My PC is running Windows XP, so the instructions are written accordingly.

1. I followed the genmac and strontiumdog (aka "Dog") link to http://www.srcds.com/ and clicked on the Windows box to open the instructions to create a SRCDS on my hdd (dedicated server of DoD:S).

2. After you download the hldsupdatetool and navigate through the wizard as instructed in the srcds.com instructions, make SURE you view and READ the readme file when the wizard finishes.

3. Since you no longer have to create an account, you are now ready to follow instruction number 2 of the readme file, steps 2a, 2b, 2c, and download the files from Steam. I opened a command prompt <start> <run> <cmd> and typed:

hldsupdatetool -command update -game "DoD Source" -dir C:\srcds

... and waited for the program to work. It took about an hour at my download speed.

4. You will need to make or copy a "server.cfg" file. I went to the Steam forum to get one.
http://forums.steampowered.com/forum...hreadid=345085 Copied here for your convenience.

// last modified 10:23 AM 6/4/2006

// **************************************
// server name
// **************************************
hostname "Day of Defeat: Source server" // Name of the server.

// **************************************
// passswords
// **************************************
rcon_password "yourPASSWORDhere" // Remote control password.
sv_password "" // Server password for entry into multiplayer games. Password = private, no password = public.

// **************************************
// specific Day of Defeat: Source cvars
// **************************************
dod_bonusround "1" // If true, the winners of the round can attack in the intermission. Default: 1
dod_bonusroundtime "15" // Time after round win until round restarts. Default: 15
dod_enableroundwaittime "1" // Enable timers to wait between rounds. Default: 1
mp_allowrandomclass "1" // Allow players to select random class. Default: 1
mp_combinemglimits "0" // Set to 1 to combine the class limit cvars for mg34 and mg42. New limit is sum of two. Default: 0
mp_tickpointinterval "30" // Delay between point gives. Default: 30
mp_limit_allies_assault "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Assault. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_mg "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Machinegunner. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_rifleman "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Rifleman. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Rocket. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_sniper "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Sniper. Default: -1
mp_limit_allies_support "-1" // Class limit for team: Allies class: Support. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_assault "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Assault. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_mg "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Machinegunner. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_rifleman "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Rifleman. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Rocket. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_sniper "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Sniper. Default: -1
mp_limit_axis_support "-1" // Class limit for team: Axis class: Support. Default: -1
mp_warmup_time "0" // Warmup time length in seconds. Default: 0
sv_autojointeam "0" // Skip the class and team menus and join a team immediately. Default: 0

// **************************************
// sv cvars
// **************************************
sv_allowdownload "1" // Allow clients to download files. Default: 1
sv_allowupload "1" // Allow clients to upload customizations files. Default: 1
sv_alltalk "0" // Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: 0
sv_cheats "0" // Allow cheats on server. Default: 0
sv_consistency "1" // Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files. Default: 1
sv_gravity "800" // World gravity. Default: 800
sv_lan "0" // Server is a lan server (no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses). Default: 0
sv_maxspeed "320" // Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320
sv_pausable "0" // Is the server pausable. Default: 0
sv_region "1" // The region of the world to report this server in. Default: -1
sv_timeout "45" // After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65
sv_voiceenable "1" // Microphone communication. Default: 1

// **************************************
// mp cvars
// **************************************
mp_allowspectators "1" // Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. Default: 1
mp_autokick "1" // Kick idle/team-killing players. Default: 0
mp_chattime "10" // Amount of time players can chat after the game is over. Default: 10
mp_flashlight "1" // Allow flashlight. Default: 0
mp_footsteps "1" // Players can hear footsteps. Default: 1
mp_forcecamera "1" // Restricts spectator modes for dead players. Default: 0
mp_fraglimit "0" // Max number of kills any player can accumulate before server changes maps. Default: 0
mp_friendlyfire "1" // Allow team damage. Default: 0
mp_limitteams "1" // Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2
mp_timelimit "45" // Game time per map in minutes. Default: 0
mp_winlimit "7" // Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0

// **************************************
// bandwidth and rates
// **************************************
sv_maxrate "30000" // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_minrate "0" // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_maxupdaterate "66" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60
sv_minupdaterate "0" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10
decalfrequency "10" // Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10
fps_max "300" // Frame rate limiter. Default: 300

// **************************************
// server logging
// **************************************
log "on" // Control logging. on = enable logs, off = disable logs.
sv_logbans "1" // Log server bans in the server logs. Default: 0
sv_logecho "1" // Echo log information to the console. Default: 1
sv_logfile "1" // Log server information in the log file. Default: 1
sv_log_onefile "1" // Log server information to only one file. Default: 0

// **************************************
// server admin contact
// **************************************
sv_contact "admin@domain.com" // Contact email for server sysop.

// **************************************
// web server (http) download URL
// **************************************
sv_downloadurl "" // Location from which clients can download missing files.

// **************************************
// security
// **************************************
exec "banned_user.cfg"
exec "banned_ip.cfg"

// **************************************
// addons
// **************************************
//exec "mani_server.cfg"
To use the above example server.cfg, copy & paste the "code" into Notepad and save it as server.cfg in C:\srcds\orangebox\dod\cfg

5. Follow the link to download the zip file of the "fully working bot for dods made by Strontiumdog aka Dog" at the beginning of this thread started by genmac. But despite what the "Intallation" text file tells you, do NOT extract the files to "....steamapps\username" folder. Extract the files to "C:\srcds\orangebox\dod\addons"

6. Now you have to have a way to start the server. Go back to the Steam forum (above) and read "STEP 6." I chose option 3.

Option #3 (some crash protection): Copy & paste the following "code" into Notepad and save it in the server folder as srcds.bat
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo To shut down srcds, close this window first.
title Day of Defeat: Source dedicated server
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game dod +ip -port 27015 +map dod_anzio +maxplayers 24 -tickrate 66
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
The +ip value must match the server's external IP.
If your computer setup is like most people, you have a router, and if you do, change the +ip from +ip - port 27015 to the ROUTER's ip address (something like - port 27015). Do not go to whatsmyip.com to find the exterrnal ip address unless you DO NOT have a router.

After you create the srcds.bat file, place it into the C:\srcds\orangebox folder. You can then make a shortcut to put on your desktop for easy server starting. (You can also change the start map to +map dod_avalanche or whatever map you wish.)

7. Now your ready for fun. Start Steam FIRST, not the server. Now that you have Steam up and running, open your Game List so that you're ready to start Day of Defeat Source. Now double click on the srcds.bat (or shortcut) file and start the server. Don't worry about any errors you see. What you want to see as the server fires up is the bots loading at the very end. If you see that, your in business. Now go back to Steam and start the game. When the game starts, go to find servers and click on the LAN tab. Your server will be there. Click on "connect" and enjoy the fun.

I want to thank Strontiumdog, genmac, Bots United, and all of the botting community for all they have done to make this possible. I hope that my post is a benefit to the other people like myself and makes it easier for them to get these bots up and running on DoD:S

Last edited by Fremont; 13-11-2011 at 17:45..
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
genmac's Avatar
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

Very nice post Fremont!
I'm glad you gut it running.
Yeah those hard hitting kids, cheaters and high ping online really makes
us old geezers not enjoy dods but now we can hehe.

Btw I really want to play these dod_caen remakes (rant - Man why on earth valve of all dod maps they did not port this classic dod map?)...dod_caen_b07 and dod_goodwood_b3
but seems the waypointing skript ain't working.
Can you check that out?
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

In step 6 of my post about starting the server I forgot to mention that if you chose to start the server by creating a batch file (srcds.bat) you need to change the path to include 'orangebox."

start /wait C:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game dod +ip -port 27015 +map dod_anzio +maxplayers 24 -tickrate 66

Btw I really want to play these dod_caen remakes (rant - Man why on earth valve of all dod maps they did not port this classic dod map?)...dod_caen_b07 and dod_goodwood_b3
but seems the waypointing skript ain't working.
Can you check that out?
I agree 100% genmac. Caen was always one of my favorite maps. There were a number of Medal of Honor custom maps made from the original DoD Caen map, so I'm sure it was popular with a lot of people. I don't know if I have the skill set to do anything with it, but if I can I will.
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

A note about starting the server or Steam first.

I wanted to do a little fragging today after yesterday's work, so I booted my PC and started Steam, and then I started the server. (I had said that this was the proper starting sequence only to make joing the game quicker.) After I saw the server start in the command box, I went back to Steam and started the game, clicked on FIND SERVERS, but my server wasn't listed under the LAN tab. Refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh ... nothing. I stopped the game and opened "view\tools" on Steam and started the "Source Multiplayer Dedicated Server," and started a server and then stopped it after it had started. I went back to the gameslist and started DoD:S again, and this time ,my server was listed under the LAN tab and I connected.

Thinking that since I started Steam first from a cold boot, DoD:S could not find my router's IP address, so I shut down to run another cold boot. This time I started the server first and then started Steam. When I started DoD:S this time, my server was listed under the LAN tab. So I have to assume that starting the server first is the correct starting sequence. Of course when I joined, the bots had been killing each other about a half dozen times by then ... LOL, but who cares? They're bots!

I just wanted to post this in case any one else had the same experience.
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

Yeah bro you gotta start the bots Dedicated sever first before running steam.
Though on my end I'm running them on listenserver hehe.

Btw if you encounter a map with no waypoints like dod_kalt if I'm not mistaken try this command...
sm_waypoint add 1
If something show up then your waypointing script is working.
You'll know you have no waypoints when the spawn points (those cool looking glowing white circle thingies) are shown and no bots.
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 13-11-2011

Yes I agree genmac, starting the dedicated server is the best method.

dod_kalt doesn't have waypoints? What? The bots are working fine for me on that map (at least on Dedicated LAN). Thanks for the command statement. I'm going to look into some waypointing after I watch a little football. (Looking into scripting in dod_goodwood_b3 is another matter all together.)
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Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!!
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Default Re: Day of Defeat Source - Sourcemod plugin BOT!!! - 14-11-2011

oops my mistake, It was dod_jagd that has no waypoints.
if you may plz try that map out and apply the command
so we'll know if the waypointing is bugged out or not.
No need to waypoint the whole map just check if anything happens
once you apply the command as a client.

That map dod_goodwood is really a refreshing dod_caenish map.
The author made it the way I wanted it as in making the inner paths more wider
and making the map a lot more sunny ang bright hehe.
I could have finished waypointing it but unfortunately no go for me on that
so hopefully may be on yours it still works.

Dod_caen_b07 oh wow that's good old dod_caen on source with
some visual improvements here and there.

Last edited by genmac; 14-11-2011 at 05:06..
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