I'm afraid that I can't show you the code , but I'm sure that the code points to the right edict_t ..
btw when using ClientDisconnect() the server prints on the console that the bot has left the game , nevertheless the bot stays in the server ......also worth noting that other functions like ClientPutinServer work perfectly !
To kick bot from server you must use "kick" server command. And why you can't show me the code - is it top secret ? If you can't do it I can't help you.
The "kick" command doesn't work also!.....as far as I tried from the console..
I think that it's my right to decide whether to show the code or not.....(it's not Top Secret....but half Top Secret , LOL)
anyways I'm just trying to ask why this is happening , since "YOU guys" are "expierenced" bot coders ..
OnTopic - When should ClientKill() be called ? in StartFrame() ?
What do I else need - other than the edict_t pointer- to call the funtion successfully?
Should other fucntions be called after it? or before it?
Any other possible reasons that would cause ClientKill() or ClientDisconnect() to fail?
SERVER_COMMAND("kick %s", STRING(pev->netname)) - this will fully kick the bot.
You need to call ClientKill() only at the time that you want to kill the bot, when and where you will call it you must deside. So far all is right but if I can't see the loop code that you make to get the needed edicts so I can't really tell you where you wrong. Nobody will stole you code if you put it here so don't worry, I don't understand what secret can be a loop for player edicts huh ???
I didn't post any codes because I personally don't believe that the problem lies in the edict_t loop , but if you insist I easily can !
just Hold ON....be right back!