Hi! I have been using podbots and yapb bots for a long time to my listen server with amxx etc.
I have finally got my eyes open to waypointing because lack of finding some waypoints to several maps I want to play with the bots.
I often get this:
Path broken from Waypoint Nr. 0 to Waypoint xxx
(But I think I understand that, because of I have few movement wps to the bots, "two direction ways"?)
My main question is about this picture. What do the red "lightning" mean?
I tried to create all kind of wps and use all buttoms that's able, but I cant find this. I only got a similiar wp which is the yellow camp/camp off.
(the red at left corner).
Otherwise I really enjoyed to try make my own waypoint maps. I'm at moment practise at 100hp. But around the water it seems to be hard. I get those "path broken from waypoint 0.."
But I'll continue practise and hopefully get better. So if you have any good advice, please share.
Even if I have read the guide at botsunited.
Have a great day.
Maybe we can play together sometimes aswell.