its possible, I did it once(although I never tested if the dll actually works...). Some things it won't accept but MSVC does:
enum bleh; // for if the enum is somewhere else defined, you can't do this in dev cpp. You need to 'make' it right away
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) // with dev cpp you can't define vars in a for line
It doesnt know some of the pragmas used in the bot and will show youy warnings about it.
dev-cpp is just an IDE for MingW, I get HPB_Bot compiled with MingW and runs fine on my machine long time ago . Btw, source code of IvPBot never released, perhaps you are talking about the source code of Podbot that I modified to get it compiled with several compilers? If so, what errors do you get when you are trying to compile it?