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HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Warning HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 18-01-2017

HI again!. Finaly I managed to make the Bot of my mod work almost as I wanted. As some of you remember, it was made using Botmanīs Bot#10īs SDK as the main code for it. SInce it shares many functions and procedures with HPBot I decided to post this thread here and not in Offtopic or General Bot coding.

Well, as I was saying, the bot is behaving fairly well, except for some old issues that I cannot fix, no matter what I did. I must say that my knowledge of C++ is VERY basic, so I must assume that it is not a probem with the Bot#10 code but my entire and absolute lack of skills on coding.

Said that, I will expose what happen with the ZWCBot (thatīs how I call it):

-Bots cannot "see" where the void is, so they usually fall into it and die (chhese gave me a fix in 2014, but did not work, so Iīm still working on it).

-Bots seem to not recognize that there are other weapons in inventory, thus they only use the weapon on slot 2, ignoring the rest (After hundred of test sessions, they used one time the weapon on slot 1).

-Botīs aiming is quite weird, they fire upwards and forwards fine, but, suddenly is like if the weapons started to weight too much and point them to the floor even if thereīs not an enemy, then return to aim normally, but this is happening over and over.

-Another issue is that, when shooting, they start to shake up and down the weapons very fast, like a Heavy Metal addict headbanging to his death.

-Another issue is: when aiming upwards, if the Bot get past the maximum pitch angle, it bends all the body lying on the floor on its back (looks very weird).

As you can see, it is not like the bots donīt work at all, but those issues make the gamelay look like shit (IMHO).

If you want, I can post the bot_combat.cpp and bot.cpp file of the Bot.

Last edited by MIFUNE; 18-01-2017 at 17:09..
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Default Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 18-01-2017

Sorry for the spelling mistakes...
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Big Grin Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 18-01-2017

Hereīs the full combat.cpp file (no secret is revealed, except the part to make bots shoot sentinels). Use it freely (but give me some credit!!, haha).

//				Zion Warcry Bot Combat system.
//			Based on botman's Half-Life bot example
//				http://planethalflife.com/botman/
//  bot_combat.cpp (c) Botman all modifications (c) MIFUNE
//			10-11-12-13-14 Enero 2017

#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "items.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "animation.h"

#include "bot.h"

extern int f_Observer;  // flag to indicate if player is in observer mode

ammo_check_t ammo_check[] = {

	{"ammo_9mmAR", "9mm",_9MM_MAX_CARRY},
	{"ammo_gaussclip", "uranium", URANIUM_MAX_CARRY},
    {"", 0, 0}};


CBaseEntity * CBot::BotFindEnemy( void )
   Vector vecEnd;
   static BOOL flag=TRUE;

   float nearestdistance = 10000;
  CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy = NULL;
// Modulo para que los Bots Disparen a los Centinelas
// Module to make the Bots shot to the sentinels

   	CBaseEntity* pEnt  = NULL;  

    if (  ( pEnt  = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEnt , "monster_sentinel" ) )||( pEnt  = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEnt , "monster_sentow"   ) ))
		 pBotEnemy = pEnt ; 

	// face the enemy
         Vector v_enemy = pBotEnemy->pev->origin; //- pev->origin; this part is commented trying to prevent headbanging
         Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_enemy );

         pev->ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;

         // check for wrap around of angle...
         if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180)
            pev->ideal_yaw -= 360;
         if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180)
            pev->ideal_yaw += 360;

         return (pBotEnemy);
	  // see if Bot can see the Monster...NEW

	      if (FInViewCone( &vecEnd ) && FVisible( vecEnd ))
			 float distance = (pEnt ->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length();
			 if (distance < nearestdistance)
            nearestdistance = distance;
            pNewEnemy = pEnt ;
		    pBotUser = NULL;  
// Fin del Modulo para que los Bots Disparen a los Centinelas
// End of module.
	if (pNewEnemy)
      // face the enemy
      Vector v_enemy = pNewEnemy->pev->origin;// Lo mismo de arriba, comento esto " - pev->origin; "
      Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_enemy );

      pev->ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;

      // check for wrap around of angle...
      if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180)
         pev->ideal_yaw -= 360;
      if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180)
         pev->ideal_yaw += 360;

	  f_move_speed = -150.0;//freezes when see the enemy, then itīll shoot it

   return (pNewEnemy);

// Aņadido Final: parece que chuta 20-Junio-2007 Sin esto los Bots hacian que el juego se "colgase" si no "veian" a algun enemigo.
// Finall add: seems that it works 20-June-2007 Without this Bots make the game crash because they could not free-clear the pointer.
   //Si no hay enemigo o está muerto eliminar el puntero.  
   //If thereīs no enemy or if itīs dead clear the pointer

	if (( !pNewEnemy) && (!pBotEnemy->IsAlive()))
		 pBotEnemy = NULL; 


Vector CBot::BotBodyTarget( CBaseEntity *pBotEnemy )
   Vector target;
   float f_distance;
   float f_scale;
   int d_x, d_y, d_z;

   f_distance = (pBotEnemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length();

   if (f_distance > 5000)
      f_scale = 1.0;
   else if (f_distance > 500)
      f_scale = f_distance / 1000.0;
      f_scale = 0.1;

    target = pBotEnemy->Center() + pBotEnemy->pev->view_ofs * RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.0, 0.0 );
         d_x = 0;  // no offset
         d_y = 0;
         d_z = 0;

   target = target + Vector(d_x, d_y, d_z);

   return target;

void CBot::BotWeaponInventory( void )
   int i;

   // initialize the elements of the weapons arrays...
   for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++)
      weapon_ptr[i] = NULL;
      primary_ammo[i] = 0;
      secondary_ammo[i] = 0;

   // find out which weapons the bot is carrying...
   for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; i++)
      CBasePlayerItem *pItem = NULL;

      if (m_rgpPlayerItems[i])
         pItem = m_rgpPlayerItems[i];
         while (pItem)
            weapon_ptr[pItem->m_iId] = pItem;  // store pointer to item

            pItem = pItem->m_pNext;

   // find out how much ammo of each type the bot is carrying...
   for (i = 0; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS; i++)
      if (!CBasePlayerItem::AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName)

	  if (strcmp("9mm", CBasePlayerItem::AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName) == 0)
         primary_ammo[WEAPON_TWOHAND]	= m_rgAmmo[i];
		 primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHORYUKEN] = m_rgAmmo[i];
		 primary_ammo[WEAPON_SIEGE]		= m_rgAmmo[i];
		 primary_ammo[WEAPON_MJOLNIR]   = m_rgAmmo[i];
		 primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHREDDER]	= m_rgAmmo[i];
	  else if (strcmp("uranium", CBasePlayerItem::AmmoInfoArray[i].pszName) == 0)
         primary_ammo[WEAPON_FEMP]		= m_rgAmmo[i];


// specifing a weapon_choice allows you to choose the weapon the bot will
// use (assuming enough ammo exists for that weapon)
// BotFireWeapon will return TRUE if weapon was fired, FALSE otherwise
// primary is used to indicate whether you want primary or secondary fire
// if you have specified a weapon using weapon_choice

BOOL CBot::BotFireWeapon( Vector v_enemy_origin, int weapon_choice, BOOL primary )
   CBasePlayerItem *new_weapon;

   // is it time to check weapons inventory yet?
   if (f_weapon_inventory_time <= gpGlobals->time)
      // check weapon and ammo inventory then update check time...

      f_weapon_inventory_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0;

   Vector v_enemy = v_enemy_origin - GetGunPosition( );

   float distance = v_enemy.Length();  // how far away is the enemy?


   // if bot is carrying the crowbar...
   if (pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_CROWBAR))
      if (( (distance <= 78))) /*&&(weapon_choice == 0)|(weapon_choice == WEAPON_CROWBAR)))*/
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_CROWBAR];

         // check if the bot isn't already using this item.
         if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
            SelectItem("weapon_crowbar");  // select the crowbar

         pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack (whack! whack!)
         // set next time to "shoot"
         f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.3;// + 
         return TRUE;

//							WEAPON APU GUNS// All derived from the MP5 Code.

//												TWOHAND
   if ((pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_TWOHAND))) 

		if (( (distance <=  8000)&&(weapon_choice == 0)||((weapon_choice == WEAPON_TWOHAND))))
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_TWOHAND];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_TWOHAND] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               SelectItem("weapon_twohand");  // select the Twohand
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack (bang! bang!)
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use primary attack (bang! bang!)
            // set next time to shoot
            f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;//

            return TRUE;
		 if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_TWOHAND] <= 100)// A ver si hay suerte y les da por usar la RECARGA
			 	pev->button |= IN_RELOAD;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!


//                                      SHORYUKEN
   if ((pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_SHORYUKEN)) && (pev->waterlevel != 3))

	  if (( (distance <= 4000)&&(weapon_choice == 0)||((weapon_choice == WEAPON_SHORYUKEN))))
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_SHORYUKEN];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHORYUKEN] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               SelectItem("weapon_shoryuken");  // select the Shoryuken

			pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack (bang! bang!)
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use secondary attack (bang! bang!)
			// set next time to shoot
            f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;

            return TRUE;
		 if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHORYUKEN] <= 100)// A ver si hay suerte y les da por usar la RECARGA
			                                       // Cross fingers!, hope it reloads if ammo gets under 100
			 	pev->button |= IN_RELOAD;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!


//											SHREDDER
   if ((pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_SHREDDER)))
	  if (( (distance <= 2000)&&(weapon_choice == 0)||((weapon_choice == WEAPON_SHREDDER))))

         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_SHREDDER];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHREDDER] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               SelectItem("weapon_shredder");  // select the Shredder

			pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use secondary attack (bang! bang!)
            // set next time to shoot
            f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
            return TRUE;

		 if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SHREDDER] <= 100)// A ver si hay suerte y les da por usar la RECARGA
			 	pev->button |= IN_RELOAD;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!

//											MJOLNIR
   if ((pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_MJOLNIR)))
      if (( (distance <= 5000)&&(weapon_choice == 0)||((weapon_choice == WEAPON_MJOLNIR))))
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_MJOLNIR];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_MJOLNIR] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               SelectItem("weapon_mjolnir");  // select the mjolnir
			pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use secondary attack (bang! bang!)
            // set next time to shoot
            f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;// +
            return TRUE;
		 if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_MJOLNIR] <= 100)// A ver si hay suerte y les da por usar la RECARGA
			 	pev->button |= IN_RELOAD;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!

//													 SIEGE
   if ((pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_SIEGE)))
      if (( (distance <=  9500)&&(weapon_choice == 0)||((weapon_choice == WEAPON_SIEGE))))
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_SIEGE];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SIEGE] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               SelectItem("weapon_siege");  // select the weapon_siege

            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!
            pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use secondary attack (bang! bang!)

            // set next time to shoot
            f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;

            return TRUE;
		 if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_SIEGE] <= 100)// A ver si hay suerte y les da por usar la RECARGA
			 	pev->button |= IN_RELOAD;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!


//															FEMP

 if (pev->weapons & (1<<WEAPON_FEMP))
      if (( (distance < 150)&&(weapon_choice == 0))||(weapon_choice == WEAPON_FEMP))
         new_weapon = weapon_ptr[WEAPON_FEMP];

         // check if the bot has any ammo left for this weapon...
         if (primary_ammo[WEAPON_FEMP] > 0)
            // check if the bot isn't already using this item...
            if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               pev->button |= IN_ATTACK;  // use primary attack, BAZINGA!!!
              // set next time to shoot
               f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 10;

	  if ( pev->health <= 30 )
			// check if the bot isn't already using this item...
			if (m_pActiveItem != new_weapon)
               pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;  // use the secondary attack to restore the engine
               // set next time to shoot
               f_shoot_time = gpGlobals->time + 30;
            return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


void CBot::BotShootAtEnemy( void )

   // aim for the head and/or body
   Vector v_enemy = BotBodyTarget( pBotEnemy ) - GetGunPosition();

   pev->v_angle = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_enemy );
   pev->angles.x = pev->v_angle.x;//Esto es lo unico nuevo que he aņadido, de otro modo no apuntan arriba o abajo. 
   pev->angles.y = pev->v_angle.y;
   pev->angles.z = 0;

   pev->ideal_yaw = pev->v_angle.y;

   // check for wrap around of angle...
   if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180)
      pev->ideal_yaw -= 360;
   if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180)
      pev->ideal_yaw += 360;
   pev->v_angle.x = -pev->v_angle.x;  //adjust pitch to point gun 
   //Limitador del angulo X (arriba-abajo)
   //Limiter for the X angle (up-down)
   if (pev->v_angle.x >45) (pev->v_angle.x   =  45);
  // if (pev->v_angle.x <45) (pev->v_angle.x  +=  90); <----Commented!!!
   if (pev->v_angle.x < 0) (pev->v_angle.x   =   0);

   // is it time to shoot yet?
   if (f_shoot_time <= gpGlobals->time)
      // select the best weapon to use at this distance and fire...
      BotFireWeapon( pBotEnemy->pev->origin );

	  f_move_speed = -150.0;//No se mueve al disparar
   }                        //Freezes when shooting

	  v_enemy.z =  0;  // ignore z component (up & down)

Hope you can help me, any WORKING help will appear on credits.

Hereīs a video of the Bot in action...


Last edited by MIFUNE; 18-01-2017 at 18:54..
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
genmac's Avatar
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Default Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 20-01-2017

Wow you have one epic mod there I'm testing it now.

...well until I've tested it...hehe...well I've commented at your moddb page using my other nick...alencore.

Yeah those bots needs more work really wish I could help but I don't know shit when it comes to coding LOL!
Hope some of the more clever ones here would help you out coz the mods seems very promising.

Last edited by genmac; 20-01-2017 at 13:26..
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Depressed Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 04-02-2017

I hope to not be too harsh, but this foruns at botsunited are quite dead-ish, no?
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
The Storm
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Default Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 04-02-2017

Sadly yes. The active times were 2004-2008, after that it is only basic support forum.
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Depressed Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 04-02-2017

This place used to be a superb place to get info for modders...

Btw: may I ask for your help?

Last edited by MIFUNE; 04-02-2017 at 22:56..
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
The Storm
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Default Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 06-02-2017

Sorry I cannot help you much, but I can recommend you to base your bot on the official template from the Half-Life SDK. It is much clearer code and I guess that such bugs would not be present there.

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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
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Question Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 06-02-2017

Oh, wow!, thanks!, I have taken a slight look to the code and looks far simpler and clearer than bot#10's code. Also I have a doubt, what should I spect from this bot? seems like it is done for Counter-Strike...
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Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP!
The Storm
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Default Re: HPBBot/Bot#10/ZWC Bot: final fixes NED HELP! - 06-02-2017

There is some CS leftovers but it is generic code.
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aiming, bot#10, hpbbot, shootinf

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