lol OK
I sincerely hope the bot will be finished before that date though
Following discussions I had with STIcazzi-Slayer on Nukebox a long time ago, I will try to make the bots follow two basic instincts, the desire and the duty, both of them maybe conflicting each other. I am currently working on the duty part, and especially the "goal" selection. Since I don't want to implement a task queue in my bot (because I believe all the actions of an individual must be the expression of the thought of each instant), I have a system in which the bot knows about what it is doing in several levels of cognition. The first level is the task, that is, what the bot is doing right now (e.g, walking a path, defusing a bomb, thinking about a route, etc.) At a deeper level is the goal, which encompasses the task, and make the bot able to remember the greater plan behind the single task it's doing right now. The last level is the mission objective, which does not belong to the bot but to the whole team (as in a "collective consciousness", although this term is greatly exxagerated
). Don't be afraid however, this is not much coding at all, rather a long-time thought-of design.
@botmeister: curiously the lag issue is not as important as in the 1st template. There are still a lot of things to optimize in the code, but it runs quite OK so far. I believe that in the tempate #1 I must have made something terribly wrong regarding this issue.
I'm also fighting hard to make a REALLY efficient BotWalkPath() function, since it will be the BASE to test all the rest. I'm unable to test the desire/duty behaviour of the bot if it fails in getting from point A to point B. So far I'm getting closer to the podbot level regarding this issue, hmm... I'd say I'm currently at the realbot WIP level