This is not pb mm bug nor issue. This is metamod problem which blocks standard messges sent by other plugins (i.e. amxmodx messages are blocked so pb mm cannot intercept/handle them). You need to ask ptb plugin developer to rewrite it to use
emassages. If he is just using set_user_team or cs_set_user team none of metamod bots can see messges sent by those functions. Thus bots don't know they have been transferred into opposite team. Example of working code below.
fm_set_user_team(id, team); // call the function to change the team by the user
cs_reset_user_model( id );
stock fm_set_user_team(id, team)
set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSTEAMS, team, OFFSET_LINUX);
// Send User Team Message
public fm_set_user_team_msg(id)
// Beware: this message can now be picked up by other metamod
// plugins (yeah, that includes AMXX plugins as well)
// Tell everyone my new team
emessage_begin(MSG_ALL, g_msgTeamInfo)
switch (fm_get_user_team(id))
case CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED: ewrite_string("UNASSIGNED");
case CS_TEAM_T: ewrite_string("TERRORIST");
case CS_TEAM_CT: ewrite_string("CT");
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ewrite_string("SPECTATOR");
stock fm_get_user_team(id)
return get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSTEAMS, OFFSET_LINUX);