Not sure I understand why you did not just post your question in the
original thread.
The zip file I believe you refer to is my proof of concept created to help
Michelangelo figure out the advanced waypointing issues. It does not provide any actions except those specific to the match objectives and in a set order.
Map will run from the beginning but bots will complain as there are almost no non-objective actions for them
It was not intended for playing but can be used as a learning exercise for some waypointing issues (e.g the use of fake actions buried in floors or walls to get bots to perform a critical roam to).
Now if you read the original thread or looked in the
ki you would know that 420Blunt now has the waypointers token for this map since Mich has not been active in the forums for a number of months.
Typically 420Blunt releases his completed work in the offical waypoint packs releases. The next one won't be out for some time yet. In the meanwhile you can always pm him if you want to help (waypointing, testing...)