A reminder first: I had agreed to be the president of this tiny association of code weirdos, UNTIL the Bots United site would be opened. Well, now it is. Open, that is. So let's start the militants marchs, military music, giant posters and little flags on the car, the Bots United Presidential Campaign has begun ! (trumpets and brass: pon ponpon pon boom boom pon pon)
Who wants to propose himself ?
Go on, it's not difficult to be the president. All is needed is to hit the fist on the table from time to time in order to get things rolling, that's all. Strictly.
I suggest to close the propositions the 15. We'll then have to vote for choosing the new president. If the date doesn't suit someone, please say so and we'll push it to some time later (or sooner, depending).
Proposals are open !
P.S. Do not question whether I'll propose myself or not, I don't want to influence people that's why you'll know my position only at the last minute