.plan file for Fritz Bot
This is my work log.
Its updated whenever I get around to it (this may only be once a day, once a week, whenever). You cannot comment in this thread, if you have a comment, please start a new thread.
Basically I use this to let you know what I'm thinking about, what I'm working on, and where I'm at with Fritz.
--- Maleficus
= 08/02/04: version .2 (Internal) =
Bugs that were lingering in the new AI core are now long gone.
The movement code is done for now - its working pretty well, and its not too much of a resource hog. I need to work on its general pathing some more, but am busy on lots of side tasks/features that are helping the bot's overall teamwork abilities (like LTs who drop ammo in the teams spawn area for teammates to grab, etc, etc, etc).
Things are progressing well, the hard part is finding the time to do all the things I have on my TODO list (its not really big, but making the bot do all the things that are on that list require major amounts of code and time!).
None the less, nearly every day I crank out some more code, and a new feature or ability is born. I'm trying really hard to get a new release out the door, but have a ways to go before I'm ready. But please be patient - I'm working really hard to get it done ASAP!
= 07/27/04: version .2 (Internal) =
On a non-AI front: I've ripped out a LOT of useless code that for some reason was left in the MP code base. Things like Q3 bot code, monster code from the SP game, as well as old Q3 leftovers they never bothered to remove. The code is nearly 200kb smaller, as well as being just a bit faster.
Work on Fritz is slow today - the new AI core, while great, also has its share of bugs still. 9_9
Thank god for MSVC debugger!
= 07/26/04: version .2 (Internal) =
FINALLY! Fritz is working again.
Phase two of Fritz's AI core rebuilding is done! What does that mean you ask?? Well not a whole lot for new features - all of the work and changes so far have been internal: there are very few new features in Fritz ATM. He plays pretty much like the Preview at this state, with only some minor differences (he chats better now and some bugs are fixed, etc).
But, now that I have a new goal handling system that really works now, I can start to add some of those features I've been talking about finally!!
First up - better pathfinding and movement, and hopefully less instances of getting stuck......
= 07/19/04: version .2 (Internal) =
Well, phase two of Fritz's AI core is nearly done (70%). The code is still uncompilable, but most of his goal handling logic is already in place. The code, as I had hoped, is really tight.
One of the other areas I'm working on too ATM is his chat logic - I didn't really like how often Fritz would chat (hearing "MOVE!" over and over gets old fast). I'm working on making it where he'll chat only as often as needed, and yet at the same time, use more kinds of chats to relay more information to his teammates (ex: he will already let you know if a lot of enemies are coming, but with the new code - if he kills them all, he'll also let you know that the area is clear now, etc, etc.).
Also, he'll respond to your calls for help, letting you know hes on the job (ex: call for a medic, and sometimes he'll call out "affirmative" or "I'm a medic!" to let you know hes on the way). Thats smarter behavior than 80% of the people you play on pub servers!
Once I finish the core logic, it will be time to move on to the numerous new features/bug fixes I have planned. Theres a lot to do, but it will improve his teamwork ability even more (wait til you see LT's who pop you an ammo pack for your trouble if you revive them, or Meds who can work together smartly and revive a whole downed squad in seconds!).
Also theres some features I want to add that will really make you feel like your playing humans on a pub server. Don't want to spoil the surprise and tell you all of them here, but I hope you'll be impressed!
More to come.......
= 07/10/04: version .2 (Internal) =
Tearing out a LOT of code that ended up being redundant or costly. Reorganizing Fritz's central goal handling core too. The old code was a mess, with me often just adding whatever, whenever without really planning it out. This new code, once I actually add it, should be BEAUTIFUL in both form and function. Simple, tight, and VERY powerful.
I've been kicking this around in my head now for weeks, and can't wait to see what it looks like when its done.
Fritz is broke now tho. :'(