I forgot that the class CSteamID has no alignment!
So you need to write before declaration "union SteamID_t":
#pragma pack (push, 1)
and after declaration:
In general, the declaration of "union SteamID_t" should look like this:
#pragma pack (push, 1) // Structures must be packed (byte-aligned)
// 64 bits total
union SteamID_t // From CSteamID class....
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4201) // nameless union is nonstandard
struct /* Unnamed */
unsigned int m_unAccountID : 32; // unique account identifier
unsigned int m_unAccountInstance : 20; // dynamic instance ID (used for multiseat type accounts only)
unsigned int m_EAccountType : 4; // type of account - can't show as EAccountType, due to signed / unsigned difference
EUniverse m_EUniverse : 8; // universe this account belongs to
#pragma warning (pop) // no more anonymous unions until next time
unsigned long long m_unAll64Bits;
} steamID;
#pragma pack (pop) // Reset default packing.
P.S. However, in my opinion it is not important....