I don't know what rico bot is, but I'll try and give you some help.
If it's opened in winzip you might see a path like this.
addons/ricobot, extract it so it points to cstrike folder.
If the path is like:
ricobot/ I would recomened extracting it to addons/ folder.
This isn't really the appropriate place to ask questions about ricobot. ?
ricobot has nothing to do with cs, it's a bot for another steam game, ricochet. It's the right place to post, because it is whistler's bot and there isn't an extra forum for ricobot.
Furthermore it is no winzip file, but an install.exe and it has no sense to put it in the cs folder, has it?
The problem is that the game Ricochet has no extra folder in my steam folder, so i don't know where to extract it so that it works.....