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Waypointing Make the best waypoints for your favourite bot & share them with the community!

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Please read BEFORE posting!
>BKA< T Wrecks
Moderator [PBmm/Waypointing]& PODBot mm waypointer
>BKA< T Wrecks's Avatar
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: C.C.A.A., Germania
Default Please read BEFORE posting! - 07-10-2004

biohazerd87 just alerted me that some of the following rules are obsolete now the forum layout has changed. In contrast to the old layout, there are several sub-forums now, and I'm not yet sure whether I will adjust the WP forum posting rules to reflect the new sub-forums or just move this thread to the Podbot mm forum and leave the task of setting rules for the other sections to the respective bot coders...
In the meantime, you can still read the stuff below - there are some parts and recommendations that are still valid, and since you all are a bunch of smart and clever guys, you'll figure out which parts are obsolete now.
Eventually, this info post will be rewritten by me so that there's no garbage inside, only everything you need to know and nothing you don't need to be bothered with.

This forum here is for any waypointed-related discussion: waypoint requests, problems with waypoint files or with waypointing for any bot.

Since this forum is for each and every waypoint format and for all the bots in common, we need to keep this place tidy in order to keep it usable and enjoyable for all. That's why I strongly suggest sticking to some general principles when posting:

[of course, those fancy colours & stuff are just to mark the important elements here - you don't need them in your posts! ]
__________________________________________________ ____________
Make clear if it's a request, a bug report, a waypointing question or a WIP / Release post!
- If it is a request, include it in the thread title, and please don't forget to say for which map and for which bot you need waypoints! Use thread titles like:
"WP request - de_aztec2 for RealBot" or
"Need JoeBot waypoints for several maps"

- If it is a bug report, once more: Please choose a thread title that tells other BU users about the content of your posting. It's equally important to add on which map the bug appears and with which bot. Add this information right in the thread title; for example like this:
"Problem with YaPB waypoint for de_deep6" or
"WP for de_dust2 is buggy! (E[POD]Bot)"

In the text of the post, try to add as much information as you can. Don't forget to mention...
-which version of the bot you use (version number, Win or Linux etc.)
-who made the waypoint
-at which exact spot(s) the problem(s) appear(s)
-the time stamp of the waypoint file

- If it is a waypointing question, don't forget to let all others know right in the thread title that you are neither requesting nor releasing a waypoint file and that you don't report a bug, but have some problem with waypointing itself. Remember to say which bot you want to waypoint for, because waypointing is different for different bots. Try to make clear if you need some general advice or if there's a particular problem (ladders, lifts, jumps - whatever might be your problem).

- If it is a WIP (work-in-progress) or release post, I strongly suggest you use the tags [WIP] or [Release] for your thread title. As always, the map name and the bot you waypointed for should be in the title. Some examples of good thread titles:
"[WIP] JoeBot waypoints for cs_office_cz"
"[Release] waypoints for 5 ka_maps (YaPB)"
If you don't use these tags, at least make clear what you're posting in some other way. Look at the following examples:
"de_aztec2 waypoints for PB mm on the way"
"EPB waypoint for as_tundra - finally finished them!"
Despite the absence of tags, the first title makes clear that someone wants to announce that he's working on something and might want opinions, suggestions, critique or comments before completing his work. The second title shows quite well that something is released in a final version.

Actually, most of this is nothing you wouldn't know if you have (and use) some common sense. Nonetheless, many people tend to be a bit sloppy about these things, while keeping some discipline would make things so much cleaner and easier for all.
We have neglected these things a bit so far (and I explicitly include myself there!), but I hope that we'll be able to change that. Thanks in advance for your help!

And don't forget: MarD and Biohazard and me are watching you! 8D

Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF // all my base, are belong to you.

Last edited by MarD; 06-02-2005 at 10:33..
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