dod source bot for the love of god!, err dod -
ok, I've read the forum threads about dod bots and I am wondering if my services can be of any help. I've never done any programming but am a mapper and would be more then willing to do anything I can to help get bots working for day of defeat source. I don't know the feasability of my learning to program and making a bot on top of my mapping hobby, but crazier things have been attempted in these forums i'm sure...
I mapped for the origional dod on the HL engine and used to release extremely well done, thorough waypoints on which I took pride on my meticulous attention for. I made a remake of dod_seg3 and while I made the map I had the bots in mind and exploited every option I could and took every oppertunity possible to make the sturmbots work well in my map.
for example I used vertical wedge shaped playerclip brushes around all doorways, effectively making them funnels so it was impossible for bots to get stuck. I used to leave a server running to playtest my map overnight and map/waypoint all day. I loved the bots. I would not have made my map without them. When i found that dod source didn't ship with bots i didn't even buy the game, I had been hoping to port my map over and update it for source but without bots I knew it would be a waste of time because I would never find enough players to properly playtest my map, nor do i care to. But I am offering my services as a mapper to help develop a bot, I would also offer to waypoint in extreme detail as I used to.
I used to waypoint by putting team specific waypoints through my entire map and manually pathway connecting their routes. This made each team advance exploiting cover as best as possible, taking every oppertunity to sprint and never getting jammed on each other. I also used to make multiple routes down steets that didn't have pathways connecting the different paralell routes, sure it took hours and hours, but it was worth it when all the bots didn't come in a straight line at you. The thing i liked about the sturmbot was the ability to make specific waypoints for machine gun deploys, sniper spots, crouch, detail navigation waypoints ect. it was brilliant, the only additions that would have made the bot entirely mistakable with humans would have been "cover" waypoints (teamspecific) and the ability to link flag waypoints with mg spots/sniper spots, lastly making "cover" spots linked with "mg" spots so that if bots were taking fire from an mg deployed at a certain waypoint the bots taking fire from him could take cover as appripriate.
I am almost complete my port/revamp of my of dod_seg3 tribute in source which I started hoping to god that bots would be out for the game by the time I finished... does my offering to waypoint such specific waypoints and customize my map so much for bots make a difference? Would my best chances of bots to be to learn programming, write a bot and do it all myself? -what is stopping bot development for dod source? On my current map I have playercliped out everything with bots in mind and am dieing to get something, anything working to play with. Even if someone has partially functioning bots that I could perhaps in some way aid with or at least get running. Whats the scoop on those bots that you can spawn that I heard about? Do they need a mapper to define a route for them? is that why they just stand there? I will do what I can if that is the case...
maybe all this typing was for nothing, but for the love of god day of defeat source is a crappy, horribly ruined game compared to dod, the cof is retarded on the smg classes. But its something I can live with, so long as I can have my bots to play.