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botman's bot10 for linux
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Default botman's bot10 for linux - 05-01-2004

Hi !
I've started to create my own bot, and started by using botman's code,
specifically bot10 source. This wasn't easy as the sources was spread
around places (sdk2.2/linuxpatch/bot10src) and further fixes needed with the source to compile on linux and be language strict.

So I have archived together botmans source with the valve sdk2.2 with
botmans linuxpatch and my small fixes to the source, to be able to compile clean and easy (not -Wall clean yet :-).

My tar file is located at:

Now my version of the bot10 (.so file) introduces some small bugs into the
game and the game crashes sometime, if I use the original bot10 file
by botman it works nice.

I have an output of the server when it crashes here:

Anyway I didn't thought it would be this hard to atleast bootstrap
someone elses code to start begin coding my own modifications.

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Re: botman's bot10 for linux
Pierre-Marie Baty
Roi de France
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Default Re: botman's bot10 for linux - 05-01-2004


I bet your crash problems will vanish away if instead of testing the edict_t pointers validity with
if (pEdict == NULL)
   // invalid entity
you do it like this instead
if (FNullEnt (pEdict))
   // invalid entity

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