A bot file is just a simple text file with the .bot extention. It usually looks like this:
// Fritz
// Version 1.1
// By: Maleficus
funname ^1Fritz
class 3
weapon 0
teamwork 1
bravery 1
awareness 1
camper 0
team 0
This is a bot file for the flagship bot of the bot, called fritz. The funname is what the bot's name will appear like in the game, but it doesn't have to match the .bot file name.
In the Fritz.pk3 file, there is a file called "botinfo.txt" that explains what all the different variables in the bot file do.
Ex: you could have a bot file called "a.bot" but the funname inside that file could be "^1Your ^2Awesome ^3Name ^4Here".
When you use the "addbot" command, the game looks for the bot file matching that name. So, in the example above you would type: "addbot a" to get the "^1Your ^2Awesome ^3Name ^4Here" bot in the game.
To add them to your game, make a sub directory of the "fritzbot" directory called "bots" and place your bot file there. Then you can add this bot and play with it.
In the next version, I'm going to make these files much more accessible so that you can easily poke around and look at things to understand how they work (I won't be using .pk3 files anymore).
BTW: a .pk3 file is just a simple .zip file, so you can open it with WinZip, or any other tool that handles .zip files.