sorry Dethpod but I found a way to break point when Sys_Error is called..
I'm testing it right now..
It stopped at the break point but it's currently inside the Sys_Error function..
I built the dll with debug info during the compiling and the linking.
my call stack says
PODBOT_MM! Sys_Error(char const *) + 27 bytes
METAMOD! 6b2644e6()
after some more work I now know that the last call to ENTINDEX is from pfnMessageBegin.
well I can't seem to solve it because in pfnMessageBegin it already runs FNullEnt against the Edict.
I also tried STRING (ed->v.classname)[0] == 0 still no.
If I remember correctly pfnMessageBegin shouldn't catch message calls in the bot dll..
So that means the game dll is using MESSAGE_BEGIN with a messed up edict?