Update -
+Added - bots are buying also the secondary weapon now (especially when they have a sniper or a shield).
+FIXED bots are hunting the teamnate when he was attacking him - now the TA revenge takes only 1.5 sec after TA (the bot gives some damage only instead fire until kill the team attacker).
+FIXED team specific waypoint are now really team specific (before it was fixed for offensive and deffensive goals, now bots should really take care about their team specific waypoints).
+FIXED planting and defusing the bomb problem (bots sometimes were stopping to plant / defuse the bomb when they have seen an enemy, but they didn't switch to better weapon to fire at the enemy).
+FIXED infinitely switching the weapon between the sniper and the pistol.
+FIXED chicken and zombie bots camping (now they will no longer camp - except they need to hide because of low health).
+FIXED invisibility not working for an invisible player using a knife.
I have checked the flashlight problem on a linux DS reported by addam
here. I do confirm this bug and I can add even one more - bots are not using nightgoogles on a linux DS. But the bug exists is HL engine (pfnGetEntityIllum function seems to be not working the same way on a linux and on a windows DS), so I cannot fix it now. I may need a help from any coder able to test more the function pfnGetEntityIllum, to figure out what the problem is with it on a linux DS. I just don't have time to figure it out.
As usually, please, leave a feedback.