Location: Los Angeles, California, USA, North America, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way.
Re: POD-bot back into shape. -
this going to be hard...
and while looking through the WaypointAdd function i notice that when setting a camp waypoint's camp end angles it doesn't set bPlaceNew to FALSE and that would make it place a new waypoint along with the camp end right?
oh nm.. i should probably look closer first...
k i found where he stops it from adding through func illusionary but I don't know what it returns if it goes through a model..
alright now i can compile the podbot.dll to be 232kB in size.
goto Projects>Settings.
then the C/C++ tab
Change the Optimizations to "Minimum Size"
shouldn't all the TRUE and FALSE be true and false?
Post code, guys, post code, whenever you find anything, post 10 lines of code or so. I can help in anything provided you post your code.
TRUE and FALSE are defined in the HL SDK as 1 and 0, which is fine for use with "bool" since "bool" has in fact a character size (8-bit) on our computers.
Use my PMTools plugin to trace lines and hulls through one of these models with different parameters to find out which parameters are blocked by the model.
*edit* just a suggestion: SF is right, you'll get yourselves all messed up. As long as nothing like the SourceForge CVS is available on Bots United I suggest you define a "team leader" in charge of maintaining the "official" source tree and validating the bugfixes you send him. PLEASE for him, send him ACCURATE bugfixes (e.g, "change line x to y and insert code z at line l") and not "I thought you could do this and that etc..." with no real, working code to show.
RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter) "Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."
Last edited by Pierre-Marie Baty; 14-04-2004 at 11:13..
MusicMan, why the heck do you do this ?
The definition of UTIL_ShowMenu is
void UTIL_ShowMenu (edict_t *pEdict, int slots, int displaytime, bool needmore, char *pText)
the third parameter is the time the bot menu should be displayed on your screen. -1 means 'always', i.e until a choice is made. Almost ALL the occurences of UTIL_ShowMenu in the code use -1. Why are you passing a character ('\0') instead where an integer duration (number of seconds) is expected ??
RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter) "Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."
To fix SoUlFaThEr's problem of bots hitting buttons randomly (actually the bots LOVE to hit any button they see), I think all is needed is disabling the "func_button" check in BotFindItem(). The bots should then only use buttons when they are declared in their waypoint through the button flag.
RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter) "Learn to think by yourself, else others will do it for you."
then do me a favor and test it thoroughly before you upload...
just uploading it is only going to stop all of us from waypointing if we get something that doesnt work at all
believe me i am happy that someone will continue.....but continue with proper downloads......test them, get them approved and such.......this way.....when you do upload.....we have the feeling already that it will work because we know HOW you are working